The name of the Association shall be Mount Carmel Convent Alumni, Lullanagar, Pune.
The Registered Office of the Association shall be at the following address:
Mount Carmel Convent Alumni Association,
C/o Mount Carmel Convent High School,
Lullanagar, Pune-411040
The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:-
- To live up to the educational principles and philosophies of our alma mater, thereby creating a ‘Carmelite family’.
- To provide a vibrant forum to establish a link between the school and the generations of students who have passed through the portals of the school. We need to build a community of students and alumni in which, initiation, creativity and the involvement of all members are valued.
- To strive for excellence and foster, develop and sustain social concern, cultural, professional ethics, civic and political involvement amongst members and instill human values, justice, honesty and fair play.
- Taking into account the socio – cultural changes and technological advances in a fast moving world, to consider the possibility of social service and voluntary work; counseling programs, assisting in educating students who are economically disadvantaged and marginalized and sharing career information and job placement.
- To reach out in caring and emotional support to alumnae who are in crisis and make them aware that support is available.
- To provide for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and social needs by at least one annual meeting organized for this purpose. ’Reunions promote cultural unity’.
- Good fellowship and assist in the growth of the life-long friendships formed at school.
- To raise funds for promoting the aforesaid aims and objectives of the association.
The attainment of these aims and objectives shall be the responsibility of the Managing Committee which shall have full discretion as to the scope of activities to be organized for this purpose.
All the incomes, earnings, moveable or immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever, to the present or past members of the Association or to any person claiming through anyone or more of the present or past members. No member of the Association shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Association or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of her membership.
The Association shall have Life Membership only.
Life Member
All ex-students of the Mount Carmel Convent Alumni, Lullanagar, Pune are eligible for life membership.
Outgoing Std X students will be compulsorily inducted as members for a period of one year.
The life membership fee has been fixed at Rs. 500 only payable at the time of admission along with the enrolment form.
Overseas students are liable to pay an amount of US $50 for the same.
Std X Students of the current year are eligible for an alumni membership of the preceding year at a charge Rs 100 p.a. Thereafter, the balance of Rs. 400 will need to be paid to enroll as a Life Member. On non-receipt of the balance of Rs 400, the membership will automatically be revoked.
- Voluntary resignation of membership
- Death of the Member
- Removal of a Member by the Managing Committee
Resignations shall be addressed to the Hon. Secretary who will place the same before the Managing Committee.
No refund of subscription will be made on resignation or termination of membership.
Any member acting in a manner objectionable or contrary to the interest of the Association , or whose conduct has otherwise been improper, shall be called upon to resign her membership , failing which her name will be struck off from the rolls of the association . No such member shall be present at any General Body Meeting, on a motion, of which notice has been given.
The funds of the Association shall be by subscription, donations, contributions, collections by way of cultural performances, lectures or any other allied, legal activities undertaken for the augmentation of the finances of the Association to achieve its aims and objects.
The funds of the Association shall be deposited with a scheduled bank selected by the Managing Committee.
The bank account of the Association shall be operated by the Treasurer jointly with either the President or the Hon. Secretary.
The management of the Association shall be vested in the Managing Committee which shall consist of at least 10 members to be elected / nominated /co-opted as details below:
- The Principal of the School
- One person to be nominated by the Principal of the School
- Two members who are active in the educational or cultural fields or whose co-option will be in the interest of the Association, to be co-opted by the Managing Committee.
- Seats rendered vacant on the Managing Committee may be filled in by co-option, by the Managing Committee.
Office Bearers
Members of the “Managing Committee” shall elect the following office bearers at the first meeting of the Managing Committee save for the office of President, the Principal of the school being the President of the Association.
- Vice President
- Honorary Secretary
- Joint Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Joint Treasurer
Terms of Service
The Managing Committee which will comprise ‘Managing Committee’ members and office bearers will hold office for a period of two years.
A member shall be eligible for re-election for not more than two consecutive terms
One third of old members will be retained on the re-elected committee
In case of any two candidates securing an even number of votes in a particular election, the President will have a casting vote to resolve such a tie.
The Managing Committee shall meet for transaction of business once a month.
Six members shall form a quorum at a Managing Committee meeting.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Managing Committee, and in his absence the Vice President
To be considered as committee members, 75% attendance at all committee meetings is mandatory.
The President shall be the ex-officio Chairman of all the meetings of the Association. In her absence, the Vice President shall occupy the Chair. Further, if neither the President nor the Vice President is present, one of the members elected from among those present shall preside over the meeting.
- The Principal of Mount Carmel Convent High School shall ex-officio be the President of the Association.
- The President shall preside over, conduct and regulate all the meetings of the General Body and Managing Committee.
- She shall decide all questions of order and priority at the meetings of the Association and her decision and ruling shall be final.
- She shall have the right to convene through the Honorary Secretary an Extra Ordinary meeting of the General Body if she thinks fit or if special circumstances demand.
- She shall, in addition to her right of voting as a member of the Association, have a casting vote in the case of a tie on equality of votes at any meeting.
- She shall have the authority to interpret the Memorandum of association / bye laws of the Association for the purpose of conduction and regulating the meeting and deciding questions arising out of the agenda.
The Honorary Secretary will generally work under the overall control and supervision of the managing committee and inter –alia be responsible to:-
- Convene the meeting of the Association.
- Prepare and circulate the agenda papers concerning the meeting.
- Maintain minutes of every meeting.
- Maintain all other records of the Association as required and directed by the Committee from time to time.
- Receive applications for membership and process and submit the same to the Managing Committee for its consideration.
- Submit any statutory returns or other information to be furnished to the various agencies as the case may be in respect of the Association.
- Attend to any other matter as may be specifically assigning by the Managing Committee from time to time.
- To receive all funds in the name of the association and to issue receipt thereof.
- To maintain proper books of accounts in respect of the funds of the Association.
- To deposit money received by the association in the bank accounts of the Association.
- To preserve and maintain the account books, papers and documents of the association on all accounting matters.
- To assist the auditors in finalizing the accounts of the Association.
- To prepare the final audited statement of accounts at the close of the financial year to be placed before the managing committee for consideration prior to submission to the auditors.
- To carry out any other function and duties assigned by the Managing Committee specifically.
- The Annual General Body Meeting of the members of the Association shall be held on the first Saturday after the school feast which falls on 16 July.
- Twenty five members shall form a quorum at a General Body Meeting. In the event of there being no quorum for any meeting as stipulated herein above within half an hour of the scheduled time , the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour to take place at the same venue.
- No quorum will be required for any adjourned meeting. At the adjourned meeting so held, only the agenda stipulated in the meeting shall be discussed and decision taken thereon.
- At the General Body Meeting, the President, in her absence, the Vice-President, and in absence of the both, any of the Committee Members shall preside over the meeting.
- At any meeting the Presiding Chairman will have the right of a casting vote in addition to her own votes.
- Fifteen days clear notice of the Annual or other General Body Meeting needs to be given to the members and such notice sent to the last known members. Non receipt of such notice by a member shall not invalidate proceedings.
- The following business shall be transacted at Annual General Body Meetings :-
a. To consider and approve the annual accounts and report of the Managing Committee.
b. To consider and approve the audited accounts for the year.
c. To declare results of the election of office bearers of the Association for the ensuring year.
d. To appoint auditors.
- To transact any other business for which at least 7 days clear notice in writing needs be given by the member concerned to the Honorary Secretary.
- To transact any other business with the permission of the Chairman.
- On a requisition by twenty five members of the Association, the Honorary Secretary shall convene a Special General Body Meeting within one month of the date of receipt of the requisition to discuss the matters mentioned in the requisition.
In the event of any dispute or disagreement either amongst members of the Managing Committee or other members of the Association which cannot be amicably settled, such dispute or disagreement shall be referred for arbitration to the President of the Association whose decision in the matter will be final and binding on both the parties.
Any changes in the memorandum of the Association shall be made only at a Special Meeting of the General Body called specifically for the purpose and approved by a 2/3 of those present.
In the event of the affairs of the Association, a Special meeting of General Body called specifically for the purpose and the Association shall be dissolved provided not less than 2/3 of those members present express their wish for such dissolution by the Ballot.
Thereupon the Association shall stand dissolved forthwith and the Managing Committee shall take steps necessary for the settlement of claims/ liabilities of the Association.
All funds assets, properties of the Association on dissolution shall be transferred absolutely to Mount Carmel Society, Pune.